奥大25年Summer School课程安排出炉!必学经典水课请一定了解一下!

来啦来啦!奥大2025年Summer School的时间以及课程安排出炉啦!




你还不知道什么是Summer School?


Summer School是一个较短的学期,一般为6周,可以让大家在6周的时间内学30学分,比较适合大一有挂科、或者想提前毕业的同学们。


25年Summer School的重要日期



有兴趣申请Summer School的宝子们




Summer School选1门课还是2门课?


奥大Summer School最多可以选30学分,也就是2门课。不过由于时间紧,6周学2门课的任务量还是比较大的,所以,如果是以下情况的宝子,会建议大家在Summer School只学1门课哦:


在Summer School开启大学生活的新生




Summer School都有哪些课程开课呢?





ACCTG 102 Accounting Concepts

Business 114 Acctg for Decision Making

ECON 151 Understanding the Global Econ

ECON 152 Principles of Economics

FINANCE 251 Financial Management

INFOSYS 110 Digital Systems

INTBUS 151 Business across Borders

INTBUS 309 Directed Study

MGMT 223 Understanding Work and People

MGMT 302 Strategic Management

MKTG 203 Strategic Marketing



CHEM 100 Molecules that Changed the World

CHEM 150 Concepts in Chemistry

COMPSCI 101 Principles of Programming

COMPSCI 110 Introduction to Computer Systems

COMPSCI 120 Mathematics for Computer Science

COMPSCI 130 Introduction to Software Fundamentals

COMPSCI 380 Project in Computer Science

EARTHSCI 105 Earth’s Natural Hazards

EXERSCI 105 Exercise Prescription

EXERSCI 309 Project in the Exercise Sciences

GEOG 325 The Human Dimension of Disasters

MATHS 102 Functioning in Mathematics

MATHS 108 General Mathematics 1

MATHS 208 General Mathematics 2

PHYSICS 102 Basic Concepts of Physics

STATS 101 Introduction to Statistics

STATS 108 Statistics for Commerce

STATS 201 Data Analysis

STATS 208 Data Analysis for Commerce

STATS 330 Statistical Modelling

WINESCI 201 Introduction to Wine Science


General Education课程

CHEM 100G Molecules that Changed the World

CHINESE 100G Beginning Modern Chinese 1

DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes

EARTHSCI 105G Earth’s Natural Hazards

ECON 151G Understanding the Global Economy

ENGLISH 121G Reading/Writing/Text

EXERSCI 100G Exercise and Fitness: Myths and Reality

INTBUS 151G Business across Borders

JAPANESE 130G Japanese Language 1A

MAORI 103G Introduction to Spoken Māori

MAORI 130G Te Ao Māori: The Māori World

MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music

MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand

PHIL 105G Critical Thinking

STATS 101G Introduction to Statistics


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